Successive photoswitching and derivatization effects in photochromic dithienylethene-based coordination cages


A new series of [Pd2(L)4] cages based on photochromic dithienylethene (DTE) ligands allowed us to gain insight into the successive photoswitching of multiple DTE moieties in a confined metallo‐supramolecular assembly. Three new X‐ray structures of [Pd2(o‐L4)4], [Pd2(o‐L1)2(c‐L1)2] and [Pd2(c‐L1)4] (o‐L and c‐L = open and closed forms of DTE ligands, respectively) were obtained. The structures deliver snapshots of three different combinations of DTE photoisomeric states within the cage, facilitating a comparison of the all‐open with the all‐closed, and most notably, an intermediate form where open and closed switches co‐exist in the same cage. Moreover, a series of spherical anionic borate clusters was introduced in order to study their roles in the light‐controllable host–guest chemistry. The binding guests show higher affinities with the flexible open cage [Pd2(o‐L1)4] than with the rigid closed cage [Pd2(c‐L1)4]. For the [B12F12]2− guest, thermodynamic data obtained from NMR experiments was compared to results from isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC)

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