Characteristics and spatial relationships of day-roosts and activity areas of female long-eared myotis (Myotis evotis) in western Oregon


Management of habitat for bats requires sound information on their habitat requirements. I used radio telemetry to identify 80 roosts for 24 long-eared myotis (Myotis evotis); 74 roosts were identified for 21 females and 6 roosts for 3 males. Females primarily used dead and defective conifer trees (n=22) and conifer stumps (n=41) though they also used 3 live conifer trees, 1 live and 5 dead hardwood trees, and 2 conifer logs. Males used one each of the following structures: dead conifer, dead hardwood, conifer log, conifer stump, slash pile, and rock crevice. Female long-eared myotis primarily roosted in conifer stumps in landscapes dominated by younger forests and used dead or defective conifer trees and stumps in landscapes characterized by older forests. Roosts generally were located in upland habitats. Odds of a dead or defective conifer being used as a roosts was associated with decay class, presence of snags, and distance to the edge of the stand. Odds of a conifer stump being used was associated with amount of species of stump, height of the stump on the downhill side, access, woody debris within 1 m, and slope (%). Twelve female long-eared myotis were tracked on 23 nights to determine activity areas. Individuals had a mean nightly activity area of 39.5 ha which was centered 0.550 km from the day-roost and 0.16 km from available water; the maximum distance a bat was detected from a day-roost was 2.4 km. Odds of an area being used as an activity area was associated with distance to available water and percent of older forest conditions. Individual bats used the same general foraging area on different nights, suggesting that there are landscape features that function as centers of bat activity. Management of habitats for bats should consider spatial relationships of day-roosts and activity areas. Maintenance of large dead and defective conifers within 1 km of available water should provide roosting and foraging habitat for long-eared myotis and other species of bats. Leaving tall stumps also may provide structures for roosting

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