Informing Development of the UK Place-based R&D Strategy:Research England/UKRI and WMREDI expert evidence forum


The West Midlands Regional Economic Development Institute (WMREDI) at the University of Birmingham hosted a closed-forum for Research England (UKRI) to examine the evidence base for a place-based R&amp;D strategy.The following questions guided discussions: - What evidence is available (or is needed) to show that different kinds of regional impact result from different kinds of R&amp;D investments / interventions? - What should the research and innovation system – universities, businesses, research organisation and other intermediaries - do more of to support economic growth in their region? - How can we ensure different parts of the UK have the mix of interventions they need to enable R&amp;D-led growth? - What are the major critical dependencies for R&amp;D policy levers at the national and the local level? Is there evidence to show which different levers, incentives, mechanisms and critical dependencies make a difference to scale of impact and/or outcomes?- What does UKRI, government and local leadership need to do to ensure research and innovation can play a powerful role in levelling up the country?These reports provide a summary of this work. Contributors providing briefings incorporated into this paper: Professor Riccardo Crescenzi (LSE) Dr. Kieron Flanagan (Manchester) Professor Helen Lawton Smith (Birkbeck) Professor Maria Savona (Sussex) Dr. Elvira Uyarra (Manchester) Dr Anna Valero (LSE) Professor Slavo Radosevic (UCL)Other Discussants: Professor Paul Nightingale (Sussex) Professor Andres Rodriguez-Pose (LSE)Other academic participants: Professor Richard Harris (Durham) Professor Neil Lee (LSE) Professor Kevin Morgan (Cardiff) Raquel Ortega-Argilles (City-REDI, Birmingham) (Chantale Tippett (for Juan Mateos-Garcia -Nesta)) (Antonio Andreoni (IIPP))</div

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