Healthcare collaboration intervention: Pre-post study


Background: Effective interprofessional collaboration between health professionals is correlated with improving the quality of health services and patient safety, for example, Program Pengendalian Resistensi Antibiotik (PPRA). Objective: This research aims to determine the effect of educational PPRA on the knowledge and motivation of healthcare professionals in interprofessional collaboration practices. Methods: The research is quasi-experimental, with one group pre-post using a knowledge questionnaire (questionnaire 1) and a motivation questionnaire (questionnaire 2). The respondents were health professionals at Husada Utama Hospital. This research involved 74 respondents: two doctors, three pharmacists, 41 nurses, five midwives, ten pharmacist assistants, and 13 laboratory assistants. Results: The analysis of the effect of providing education on health professionals’ knowledge level showed a significant improvement in good categories before and after education, with 55.4% before and 73% after (Sig. = 0.025, p 0.05). Conclusion: This research concluded that PPRA education's effect on health workers' knowledge and motivation in interprofessional collaboration at Husada Utama Hospital has increased knowledge and motivation

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