Avaliação dos Critérios de Elegibilidade do Programa Territórios da Cidadania


The Territories of Citizenship Program (PTC) is one of the most important territorial development policies in force in Brazil, especially regarding its scope and importance. The program features different scope, with territorial approach, social and inter-ministerial management. Despite the fact that the PTC is based in an evolutionary process of public policies, such as the National Program to Strengthen Family Agriculture (Pronaf) and Sustainable Development Program of Rural Areas (Pronat), it still presents certain bottlenecks, as the definition criteria for the choice of the territories. In this sense, the paper presents a statistical methodology with the objective of assessing the eligibility criteria and the importance level of these criteria for a municipality to be served by the program, from proxy indicators to the criteria set by decree. As a result, criteria such as population density, existence of quilombos and indigenous population did not show the expected role. But the Human Development Index is presented as the main eligibility criteria, showing that the index remains relevant for the monitoring and evaluation cycle of Brazilian public policy. Family farming, one of the main pillars of PTC and its predecessor programs, was also important, maintaining the consistency of the scope and objectives of the program

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