Summary Report for the 2001–2002 STATEMAP Project: Geological Mapping to Support Improved Database Development and Understanding of Urban Corridors and Critical Aquifers of Texas


This Texas STATEMAP project involves geologic mapping of areas where improved geologic information can assist development, land use, public education, environmental protection, and the economy. Work during the past year focused on new mapping and digital compilation projects within four study areas (fig. 1): (1) digital compilation (1:100,000) of geology of the northern segment of the Edwards aquifer recharge zone, south-central Texas, Project 1; (2) geologic mapping (1:24,000) of the Hill Country Trinity aquifer recharge zone, south-central Texas, Project 2; (3) geologic mapping (1:24,000) of the San Marcos-Seguin corridor, Project 3; and (4) digital compilation of geology of Quihi and Timber Creek quadrangles-part of the West San Antonio corridor and Edwards aquifer, Addendum Project 4. Geologic maps produced by each of the projects address groundwater resource and urban development issues that are of paramount importance to the affected regions of Texas. Improved geologic maps benefit the management of two major aquifers that are critical to Texas, the Edwards and Hill Country Trinity aquifers, and a minor aquifer, the Leona aquifer. The improved geologic maps of each of the areas produced by this project will aid professionals and the public in making informed decisions regarding land use, aquifer management, and environmental protection for urban-growth corridors in south-central Texas. Deliverables produced for this 2001-2002 contract year are (1) Project 1: digital 1:100,000-scale open-file map of the northern Edwards aquifer, Geologic Map of the West Half of the Taylor, Texas 30 x 60 minute Quadrangle; (2) Project 2: 12 open-file geologic quadrangle maps (1:24,000) of the Hill Country Trinity aquifer west of Austin and north of San Antonio; (3) Project 3: 2 open-file geologic quadrangle maps (1:24,000) of the San Marcos-Seguin corridor; and (4) Addendum Project 4: draft digital map/GIS database of Quihi and Timber Creek quadrangles, two quadrangles within the West San Antonio corridor and Edwards aquifer, Quihi and Timber Creek quadrangles.Bureau of Economic Geolog

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