The Impact of Barrier Factors on the Effectiveness and Development of Intelligent Transportation System in Pakistan


Pakistan is one of the third-world countries where technological adaptation is in its initial stages, with several initiatives/projects in the pipeline and others awaited to accomplish for setting the benchmark in their respective areas. Similarly, to meet the dire need for time, the communication sector is also working on advancements and automation in transportation by implementing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) along its major highways. However, shifting from traditional to modern practices in the transportation sector has shown minimal progress; it has proven a tiresome and laborious process, putting the interest of foreign investors at stack as well. This research, therefore, is meant primarily to elaborate on the Barrier factors hindering the Effectiveness and Development of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Projects in Pakistan and their addresses prudently by measuring their impact in terms of system, function ability, and potential benefits. The analysis will be made using the Partial Least Square technique of the "Structural Equation Modeling" method (PLS-SEM) by constructing and analyzing the data collected from various sources with the help of a questionnaire; the reliability will be established using the Crone batch alpha technique. The results demonstrated remarkable dependence on the Effectiveness & Development (E&D) of ITS on the failure of Policy & Governance, Financial and Technical drought, lack of Exposure and Infrastructure integration, and Rapid urbanization

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