We provided data (demographic, audimeotry, and cognitive variables in Sub_info.xlsx, preprocessed MRS data in metabolites.mat, and preprocessed MRI data in preprocessed_images.zip) and the codes for the paper below.
Qiu, Xiaofan and Yang, Jing and Hu, Xin and Li, Junle and Zhao, Min and Ren, Fuxin and Weng, Xuchu and Edden, Richard and Gao, Fei and Wang, Jinhui, Plastic Alterations in Cortical Morphology Due to Age-Related Hearing Loss: Multiparametric Mapping, Multiscale Neurobiological Underpinnings and Roles in Cognitive Impairment. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4605793 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.460579