Surface Casing Database Project


In 2005, the Bureau of Economic Geology expanded the surface casing database developed in 2004 for Brazos County to include three additional counties: Robertson, Madison, and Leon. All work was funded by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) under the oversight of John Estepp. Methods employed and the functionality of the database, which is designed to be accessed by the public using the Internet, are essentially the same as those of the prototype project for Brazos County. All TCEQ "Q-Logs" for the three counties were scanned and delivered to TCEQ. This letter report is a summary of a few refinements and changes from the initial project, and some recommendations for how the project may be expanded in the future. Bureau personnel are essentially the same as for the initial project, which greatly facilitated the work. The geology of the study area is mostly updip from Brazos County, and the three-county area includes a salt dome and an impact structure.Bureau of Economic Geolog

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