Final Report for the FY18 Surface Casing Estimator Site Project


The Surface Casing Estimator Site is an online platform designed to offer estimates of potential surface casing requirements for wells, along with relevant information. During the fiscal year 2018, the Surface Casing Estimator Site project focused on several tasks: 1. Scanning geophysical logs from the Q-log library for 12 counties. 2. Compiling digital datasets containing geological information pertinent to estimating surface casing requirements and groundwater depths for 7 counties in West Texas and 1 county within the Texas Gulf Coastal Plain. 3. Integrating and programming the newly acquired data with the existing data on the website. The Estimator Site furnishes data regarding elevations and depths for various parameters, including the top and base of fresh water, the base of usable-quality water, the base of underground sources of drinking water, and the top and base of critical water-bearing stratigraphic units. Additionally, it provides information on aquifer names, geophysical logs, and the locations of wells. The work undertaken during FY18 has significantly expanded the resources available on the Surface Casing Estimator Site, allowing approximately 700 additional geophysical logs from 8 Texas counties to be accessed through the platform.Bureau of Economic Geolog

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