Real-time monitoring water quality monitoring system on board USV


Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) as the name suggest is a means of transporting goods or objects to the intended location. It does not require human intervention for its operation. Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) are water-borne vessels capable of operating on the surface of the water without any human operator on board. Originally created by retrofitting previously manned radio controls, a wide range of purpose-built unmanned surface vehicles are now available. In order for the USV to operate without a human being, it must be controlled wirelessly. This project explored the use of IoT, such as wireless communication, cloud database and mobile applications. Wi-Fi is used as a communication medium to control the USV over a mobile application. The project also includes the development of simple mobile applications using the MIT App Inventor. The aim of the mobile app is to create a mobile platform to control the USV and to show the results of the sensors on the application. Wi-Fi has also been used to upload and download data from and to the cloud database. The microcontroller used in this project is WEMOS MEGA+WIFI, a combination of Arduino Mega and a built-in Wi-Fi chip (ESP8266) to connect to Wi-Fi. The USV is driven by a brushless motor as the propeller controller by the Electronic Speed Controller and micro servo as the rudder to navigate in the water. The sensors used for monitoring water quality are the pH sensor, the DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor and the turbidity sensor. Then all the data from the sensors is read by the Arduino Mega and then the data is sent to the cloud server database by the ESP8266. The database used in this project is ThingSpeak, a ready-made database that can be easily connected to the system, and the data collected will be used to appear on the other platform, such as a mobile application. The result of the project is the development of a USV system consisting of hardware, software and a mobile application that can be used to monitor, control and monitor the USV and its sensors

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