Estudi de les torres medievals del Baix Ebre : la Torre del Prior i la Torre d'en Corder


La historiografia tradicional ha caracteritzat les torres de l'Ebre com punts estratègics defensius dels atacs enemics. No obstant, mitjançant l'estudi de la documentació accessible, l'arqueologia de l'arquitectura, i la recerca de paral·lels arquitectònics a les dues torres estudiades, s'ha arribat a unes conclusions diferents. La Torre del Prior estava en el lloc anomenat Bercat, mentre que la Torre del Corder es trobava a Labar. Ambdues torres formaven part d'assentaments agrícoles, i l'aparell actual hauria estat construït al S. XIV o posteriorment.It has always been thought that the towers near the Ebro were meant to defend the river from enemies' attacks. Nevertheless, through the documentation study, the Archaeology of Architecture and the search of similar towers to the ones that have been studied, it has come to a different conclusion. The Tower of Prior was settled in a place called Bercat, and the Tower of Corder was in Labar. These towers were part of an agricultural holding and were built in the 14th Century onwards

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