The study of Italian public companies on the basis of their profiles: Causes of statement and effects of aptitude


In the first part or the article we want to talk about general aspects concerning the analysis of profiles of public companies. We will proceed by way of consecutive approximation (Zappa, 1956, p. 12.) in such a way that we may better interpret the figures translating them into economic trends that mirror the situation in such companies and stopping, on the one hand, on the general lines that characterise those single situations analysed. In the second part of the article we analyse the effects of aptitude concerning the analysis of profiles of public companies. We will proceed to present a case studied at The University of Bologna about the identity chart of Rimini's public companies. The analysis of the profiles allows the company to make its decisions more in conformity with reaching its balance (Amaduzzi, 1988, p. 4) and they must be considered as trying to coordinate them both from the temporal, as well as from the spatial point of view

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