Enhancing students’ competences and skillset as experts in talent retention by developing an employee wellness programs for a tech company


Introduction: University workshops may not always be the most effective approach to enhance students’ knowledge and skills in alignment with professional demands. Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) sets collaborative projects in a reflective environment, increasing student engagement and effort. CBL connects academia with professional contexts, allowing students to learn through practical experience, reflect on their learning, and apply knowledge to solve challenges. This approach develops both soft and hard skills relevant to the workplace, Students receive feedback from peers, professors, and external experts (Gallagher and Savage, 2020; Leijon et al., 2021) while having the opportunity to enhance their professional positioning. From an organizational standpoint, internal customer service is key for business success, and employee wellness programs have a direct impact on productivity and the improvement of worker health (Marín-Farrona et al., 2023). Therefore, sports management students need to gain knowledge and expertise in this field. Objective: Analyse the effectiveness of the CBL methodology combined with a data-driven approach by introducing students to the field of internal customer service. Methodology: Thirty-one students in Sports Management (4th year; subject: Quality Control and Customer Service) joined this CBL activity as part of their study plan. The project was structured into six stages. (1) An introductory masterclass by a professional expert in the field, with a focus on talent attraction, retention, and development. (2) Students’ exposure to a real scenario under a specific framework (including budget) to develop a workplace wellness program for a tech organisation. (3) Self-paced work to do research and submit proposal draft (4) Detailed feedback from the professor and external experts on the draft. (5) Presentation of final proposal. (6) External exposure of the students in social media channels and other communication mediums from the European University to support their personal branding positioning as experts in the field. The data-driven approach guided students in benchmarking analysis of five companies’ wellness programs. Decisions were justified by scientific evidence, budget, and goals. The professional setting approach involved inviting an expert in Employer Branding, Culture, and Engagement from a tech organization. Students were given a framework including budget, number of workers, objectives, and starting point details. Results: Two proposals were selected as applicable, while four closely aligned with professional organizations’ demands. A total of 69.5% of students felt the challenge helped them to delve into the topic, and 76.4% acknowledged the activity’s strong connection to a professional environment. Students expressed a high level of satisfaction, rating it at 4.29 out of 5 points. The Net Promoter Score was +29, indicating positive feedback. Additionally, students rated the learning from the activity at 4.41 out of 5 points. Two organizations contacted the professor to learn more about the project, and one student is in a recruitment selection process for an organisation due to this activity. Conclusions: CBL with a data-driven approach and professional settings is a valuable tool for university students to develop knowledge, skills, and key competencies relevant to specific professional contexts. It offers opportunities for active engagement with real-life cases, positioning students as high-value professionals.Sin FinanciaciónSPI 2022UE

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