Technological evolution and food allergies: issues of threats or contributions to the consumer? Evolução tecnológica e alergias alimentares: matérias de ameaças ou contribuições para o consumidor?


Objective: To verify through a review of scientific literature, whether industrial and technological developments are directly related to the increase and prevalence of food allergies or whether it has contributed to the quality of life of allergic consumers. Methods: Searches were carried out in the Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online), Google Scholar, Lilacs (Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature) and PubMed (National Library of Medicine) databases. Results: The results obtained in the scientific literature identified that the significant increase in food allergies has accompanied the technological process, due to the greater consumption of food additives in ultra-processed products, but environmental influences such as dietary factors and lifestyle are also involved in the higher incidence of allergies. On the other hand, technological advances have collaborated with alternative food products for this specific population group by offering foods with reduction or exemption of allergenic compounds produced by different processing techniques or supported by biotechnology and other sciences. Final considerations: As claims for products free from allergenic compounds become mandatory, the food industry must make investments aimed at studies and production of safe alternative foods for allergic consumers

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