Investigation of the urban pruning wastes as biofuels and possible utilization in thermal systems / Investigação dos resíduos da poda urbana como biocombustíveis e possível utilização em sistemas térmicos


The urban afforestation is an important part of cities that provide well-being and health for their citizens; however, the urban afforestation needs constant pruning, which generates a considerable amount of waste that are not able to be disposal in land. In the other hand is an emerging need of clean energy production due the damage caused by the fossil fuels. An alternative to solve these issues is to use the urban pruning waste as feedstock for thermochemical conversion with the goal to produce clean energy. However, is necessary investigate the physical-chemical properties of urban pruning waste as possible biofuel, for this propose this study realize several experiments such as: Thermal Analysis (DG/DTG and DTA), Proximate and Ultimate Analysis, Inductively Coupled Plasm – Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES), Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM), Electron Diffraction Spectrometry (EDS) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR). The analysis of the urban pruning waste achieves as result a considerable energy property and low amount of pollutants-forming elements for that biomass, which mean, that the urban pruning is an profitable source for energy generation and also contents a proper chemical composition.The urban afforestation is an important part of cities that provide well-being and health for their citizens; however, the urban afforestation needs constant pruning, which generates a considerable amount of waste that are not able to be disposal in land. In the other hand is an emerging need of clean energy production due the damage caused by the fossil fuels. An alternative to solve these issues is to use the urban pruning waste as feedstock for thermochemical conversion with the goal to produce clean energy. However, is necessary investigate the physical-chemical properties of urban pruning waste as possible biofuel, for this propose this study realize several experiments such as: Thermal Analysis (DG/DTG and DTA), Proximate and Ultimate Analysis, Inductively Coupled Plasm – Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES), Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM), Electron Diffraction Spectrometry (EDS) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR). The analysis of the urban pruning waste achieves as result a considerable energy property and low amount of pollutants-forming elements for that biomass, which mean, that the urban pruning is an profitable source for energy generation and also contents a proper chemical composition

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