Behavioral investment in the neotropical fire ant Solenopsis saevissima (Smith, 1855) during the critical phase of colony establishment / Orçamento comportamental na formiga neotropical Solenopsis saevissima (Smith, 1855) durante a fase crítica de estabelecimento da colônia


Behavioral investment of fire ant queens during the foundation of a new colony may be related to alone foundation (haplometrosis) or a group foundation (pleometrosis). Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate, through behavioral records, how Solenopsis saevissima queens behave during preemergence until the 3rd post-emergence week, in haplometrosis and pleometrosis, in the initial periods of the colony. For this, an ethogram of queens and workers were elaborated, to later evaluate the behavioral budget in both types of foundations. From a total behavioral budget of 8014 minutes of observation, it can be seen that the queen's behavioral acts change according to the colony cycle period (Pre-Egg Period, Egg Period, Larvae Period, Pupal Period and Post-Emergence Period), and that at first are directed to behaviors of exploration and interaction with the environment, such as walking and atennating the container and the tube. From the appearance of the first eggs, larvae or pupae, the interaction with the offspring becomes more intense. The post-emergency was first hit by haplometrosis queens and the workers started to actively protect the immature as well as do other activities. Thus, the period of the colony's development cycle is a determining factor in the manifestation of queens' behavior, which shows whether the foundation is alone or in groups.

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