Odontological assistance in Pre-Natal: Construction and validation of a primary care instrument/ Assistência odontológica no Pré-Natal: construção e validação de um instrumento para atenção básica


Dental care during prenatal care is extremely important to prevent oral health problems and is provided by the Ministry of Health in the Primary Care Network. A descriptive study was conducted to develop and validate a specific questionnaire to investigation these services. The tool developed was composed of 17 items and submitted to the evaluation of 10 doctors specializing in health. Responses were analyzed using the content validity index (CVI) and calculated individually for each item, then the instrument's CVI summing them all and dividing by the total, reaching a CVI value of 0.98, which means that the content of the instrument makes it possible to measure what it proposes. The percentage of agreement of all judges for all items of 94.1% was analyzed. The changes suggested by the judges were fully accepted. Subsequently, the version of the instrument was applied to the target population as a pretest. 37 women were invited to answer the questions, which were analyzed according to a Likert scale. The Cronbach's alpha (?) test was used to measure the reliability and internal consistency of the instrument, giving us a score of 0.90 ensuring a proper consistency. Given the results obtained, the proposed instrument is suitable for the evaluation of dental care services offered to pregnant women and duly validated

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