Draft genome sequence of Bacillus thuringiensis strain S1905, an isolate toxic for lepidoptera / Projeto de sequência genómica de Bacillus thuringiensis strain S1905, um tóxico isolado para lepidoptera


Bacillus thuringiensis Cry, Cyt, Vip and, Sip protein families show activity against insects of the orders Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and, Diptera. The Cry action toxins is to lyse midgut epithelial cells by forming pores in the target membrane. This work describes the draft genome sequence of B. thuringiensis S1905, which contains genes encoding Cry1A, Cry1I, Cry2A, Cry8K, and Vip3A. We found the spp1Aa gene and genes coding for plant growth promotion metabolic pathway and Thuricin 17. One gene encoding the toxin enhancin and a locus which encodes the CRISPR were identified

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