Photovoltaic system applied in a medium-sized industry in Brazil: economic analysis / Sistema fotovoltaico aplicado a uma indústria de médio porte no Brasil: análise econômica


The planning about the composition of the national electric energy matrix, determined by the growing demand and population environmental concern, must be based in a best use of renewable sources, as the photovoltaic solar. Its possible integration in urban areas and use throughout the year in most parts of Brazil’s territory make this an attractive alternative of investment. In this context, this work aims to analyze economically the installation of grid-connected photovoltaic panels in a medium-sized industry in Porto Alegre. Information and data were measured in the field for its development, which configures the applied nature of the research, which has modeling and simulation as technical procedure. Two photovoltaic systems were technically dimensioned, one of 23.76 kWp and another of 39.6 kWp. Both combined with the variation of the Minimum Acceptable Rate of Return of the investor and the tariff flag in use, configured the 24 scenarios modeled. For the economic viability were used the Engineering Economy methods such as NPV, IRR, simple payback and discounted payback, in addition to the LCOE calculation. As main result, the scenario with the highest economic attractiveness, corresponding to the 39.6 kWp system, obtained NPV of R334,502.27,IRRof2.79 334,502.27, IRR of 2.79% per month, payback period of 40 months, discounted payback period of 50 months and LCOE of 0.1374 R/kWh. Thus, it was possible to conclude that there is economic viability for the projects proposed. This is because in 16 scenarios the IRR exceeded the MARR considered for the medium-sized industry used as a case in this work

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