Improvement of Azimuthal Homogeneity in Permanent-Magnet Bearing Rotors


Permanent magnets that are levitated and rotating over a bulk high-temperature superconductor (HTS) form the basis of many superconducting bearing designs. Experiments have shown that the rotational-loss``coefficient of friction`` for thrust bearings of this type can be as low as 8 {times} 10{sup {minus}6}. While the loss mechanisms of such bearings are not well understood, the azimuthal homogeneity of the rotating permanent magnet is believed to play an important role in determining the loss. One possible loss mechanism is magnetic hysteresis in the HTS, where the energy loss E per cycle is derived from the critical state model and given by E = K ({Delta}B{sup 3}/J{sub c}) where K is a geometric coefficient, {Delta}B is the variation in magnetic field at the surface of the HTS experienced during a rotation of the levitated magnet, and J{sub c} is the critical current density of the HTS. It is clear that a small decrease in {Delta}B (i.e., decreasing the azimuthal inhomogeneity of the rotating magnetic field) could have profound effects on decreasing E and the rotational coefficient of friction. The role of {Delta}B is also expected to be significant in reducing losses from eddy currents and other mechanisms. Low rotational losses in HTS bearings have been demonstrated only for levitated masses of several grams. For practical bearings, it is important to obtain these low losses with larger levitated masses. There are two main routes toward decreasing {Delta}B. The first is to improve the alignment of the magnetic particles during fabrication and to maintain close tolerances on grinding angles during manufacture of the permanent magnet. The second, the subject of this paper, is to provide correctional procedures after the magnet is fabricated

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