Application of the Controllable Unit Approach (CUA) to analyzing safeguards measurement systems


CUA is a material control and accountability methodology that takes into account the system logic and statistical characteristics of a plant process through the formulation of closure equations. The study evaluated CUA methodology to meet performance oriented regulations. The criterion is defined as the detection of a material loss of two kilograms of SNM with 97.5% confidence. Specifically investigated were the timeliness of detection, the ability to localize material loss, process coverage, cost/benefits, and compatibility with other safeguards techniques such as diversion path analysis and data filtering. The feasibility of performance-oriented regulations is demonstrated. To fully use the system of closure equations, a procedure was developed to formally integrate the effect of both short-term and long-term closure equations into an overall systems criterion of performance. Both single and multiple diversion strategies are examined in order to show how the CUA method can protect against either strategy. Quantitative results show that combined closure equations improve the detection sensitivity to material loss, and that multiple diversions provide only diminishing returns

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