X-Ray Diffraction From Ion Implanted Zones


Measurements of x-ray profiles and diffuse scattering from (111), (100) single crystal Niobium films implanted with Nitrogen to average levels of 5 and 0.5 atomic percent are discussed. Theoretical analysis of the asymmetric profiles are used to determine the strain profile in the implanted films. The measured strain profile results from two factors: (1) depth distribution of implants and knock-on damage and (2) elastic constraints. Residual elastic strains develop due to the constraints imposed by a sapphire substrate. Comparison of the diffraction results with theoretical predictions of TRIM indicates the presence of measurable knock-on damage in the films. Huang and Stokes-Wilson scattering measurements made using synchrotron radiation at the ORNL beamline, Brookhaven National Laboratory, were used to reveal the identity of defects formed during the knock-on process

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