Transient simulation of a helical-coil sodium/water steam generator


The MINET (Momentum Integral Network) code heat exchanger model was used to analyze transient test data provided by PNC of Japan. Testing of the MINET model is part of a larger effort to facilitate and validate the use of the SSC/MINET code for MONJU plant transient analysis. In MINET, a heat exchanger is modeled using one or more representative tubes, with each tube consisting of the fluid inside the tube, the tube wall, and the fluid outside that is associated with the tube. The heat exchanger tube is divided into one or more axial nodes of equal length. Five time dependent equations are utilized per node, including the wall heat conduction equation and donor-cell differenced conservation of mass and energy equations for the fluids on both sides of the tube. These nodal equations are used to constrain the tube wall temperature, fluid mass flow rates, and fluid enthalpies

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