Medications and Breastfeeding


The aim of this chapter is to provide the reader with an understanding of the impact of the administration of medication to breast-feeding women and the key points related to this. The management and administration of medication is an essential skill for midwives. Equally, promoting breast feeding and supporting women’s infant feeding choices are essential skills for midwives. It is important that midwives and student midwives have knowledge around the use of medication during the lactating period in order to provide safe and effective care for breast-feeding women. This chapter will focus on the role of the midwife and student midwife in administration of medication to breast-feeding women and the key points related to this. As part of this process, it is necessary that midwives and student midwives understand the transfer of medication into breast milk and use the most up-to-date knowledge about medicines management and breast feeding. This is essential in order to provide accurate and evidence-based information to women, enabling them to make an informed choice (Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), 2018). This chapter will also explore some safe medication that can be used during the lactation period and common challenges arising while women breast feed and how these can be managed with and without the use of medicine

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