FFTF implementation of training requirments for government owned facilities


The Fst Flux Facility (FFTF) is a liquid metal cooled, fast flux reactor plant. It is owned by the Department of Energy (DOE) and is operated by the Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory (HEDL) under a DOE contract with Westinghouse Hanford Company. The FFTF is presently undergoing acceptance testing of sodium systems in preparation for initial criticality in August 1979. It will be used to test fuels and materials, to develop associated components and to gain operating experience for future LMFBR's. The FFTF Training Program is a specific example of how training guidelines provided by NRC can be implemented in principle in a DOE owned reactor. The DOE requirements for government owned facilities and the NRC requirements for commercially owned facilities are compared to components of the FFTF Training program. These components will be described, actual status provided and evaluated as to meeting requirements. Cold Plant Qualification (equivalent to NRC Col Plant Licensing) is the next major milestone for FFTF Operator training. Additional requirements or constraints such as operator time utilization, recruiting and turnover, plant availbility and startup testing greatly affect the ability to meet this milestone. These constraints and requirements and the resulting compromises will be evaluated relative to meeting DOE requirements

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