Cross-Sectional Study to Find Out the Prevalence of Cardiovascular Diseases Through Detection of ECG Abnormalities in Undiagnosed Population Using a Handheld ECG Device, SanketLife Pro Plus


: In India, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are now the main cause of sudden death. Statistics on prevalence or nationally representative surveillance statistics, however, are lacking. Aim: The objective of this cross-sectional study was to assess the ECG findings in general OPD patients not yet diagnosed with any CVD using SanketLife Pro Plus handheld ECG device. Materials and methods: The study data was extracted from a free ECG test camp, which was organized in the common OPD waiting area at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals in New Delhi. Of the 100 persons screened, 78% had sinus rhythm and 13% had tachycardia. Apart from these, no other major findings were detected in the study population. One percent ST depression and 4% T-wave inversions were the significant findings of concern, suggestive of myocardial ischemia or infarction, especially in the undiagnosed population. Conclusion: Considering the sample size, even at a 1% incidence of major ECG abnormalities, the outcome is indicative of a possible underlying danger, which is avoidable with early detection and thorough awareness. A mass ECG screening along with collection of relevant data and appropriate research design may help to identify the population at risk. Besides the ECG screening, a stroke risk assessment should be done and prophylaxis must be given to the individuals who have been diagnosed with CVDs

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