The Active Personnel Dosimeter: Apfel Enterprises superheated drop detector


The Active Personnel Dosimeter (APD) provides a digital readout of events caused by neutrons interacting with superheated liquid droplets. The droplets are suspended in a gel held in a replaceable cartridge. Upon neutron interaction, the superheated droplet vaporizes, forming a bubble. The sound produced in this process is recorded by transducers that sense the accompanying pressure pulse. The APD electronically discriminates against spurious noise and vibration. Studies with the production prototype APDs indicate that the detector response is linear up to about 0.40 mSv, with large variations sometimes from predicted values and between cartridges at higher dose equivalents. The response to standard neutron sources (bare {sup 252}Cf, PuBe, PuB, PuF, PuLi) is reported and compared with the expected response. Unirradiated cartridges self-nucleate when heated to temperatures of 46{degree}C. The APD is insensitive to low-energy photons but responds to high-energy photons and electrons. 9 refs., 2 figs., 3 tabs

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