The Los Alamos POP Project: FEL oscillator experiments in the ultraviolet and beyond


The Los Alamos POP Project will include a series of proof-of-principle FEL oscillator experiments in 1992 designed to extend FEL operation into the ultraviolet (UV) and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV). With beam energy extended to 50 MeV, enhanced beam brightness with a photoinjector, and appropriate UV and VUV resonator optics, the Los Alamos FEL oscillator should have sufficient single-pass gain (20--30%) to reach below 200 nm. The first goal will be lasing at 250 nm utilizing a permanent-magnet undulator with 5-mm period or alternatively on the third harmonic with a 1-cm period. To operate at VUV wavelengths of 200 and 150 nm (third harmonic), pulsed electromagnetic microwigglers with periods of 5.7- and 4.3 mm will be employed. 23 refs

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