Coronary Artery Disease in the Military Setting: Lower Gensini Score in High-Rank Personnel Compared to Low-Rank and Civilian


Background: Studies had reported an increasing trend of coronary artery disease (CAD) cases in the military population. However, the severity of the CAD among different military rank is yet to be studied. The Gensini scoring system as a popular and developed objective method to quantify the CAD severity through the coronary an giographic findings. Material and Method: In this retrospective cross-sectional study, researchers consecutively enrol a consecutive total of 171 patients referred to the Indonesian Navy Hospital of Dr Ramelan, who underwent elective coronary angiography from January to June 2019. Researchers divided the study population into three groups of low-rank military personnel, high-rank military personnel, and the civilian. Anthropometric, laboratory finding, and Gensini score were obtained from medical records. Results: This research found that Post-hoc LSD test analysis showed the average score of Gensini Score of high-rank military personnel (18.39 ± 32.71) is significantly lower than both low-rank (32.76 ± 41.84; p=0.031) and civilian (36.08 ± 43.41; p=0.005). Conclusions: High-rank military personnel was found to have lower Gensini score compared to low-rank and civilian

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