Numerical Analysis of the Measured Temporal Rainfall Rate and Rain Attenuation in a Tropical Location


Extreme weather condition is one of the major challenges observed in the troposphere due to meteorological weather parameters such as rainfall. Rainfall causes severe attenuation to satellite communication at Ku band. This paper studied the numerical relationship between the calculated rain attenuation and the observed rain rate at Ku band for the tropical station based on a 12-month data measurement. This paper aims at presenting the proportional variation between rain rate and rain attenuation in the locality of interest. A tipping bucket rain gauge is used to obtain and analyse rain rate data. One-minute signal strength measurement were obtained and analysed. The 12-month data were obtained from January till December 2015. The result shows an average rain rate of about 237.0 mm/hr, 114.0 mm/hr, 38.0 mm/hr and 3.0 mm/hr and attenuation of 4.74, 4.25, and 3.59 and 2.66 dB/km at 12.245 GHz, respectively, for 0.001 %, 0.01% and 0.1% and 1 % of the time respectively for the combined values of rain rate and rain attenuation statistics. The result indicates a corresponding direct proportionality between the rain rate and rain attenuation

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