
The 2006 edition of the Lowbush Blueberry Project Reports was prepared for the Wild Blueberry Commission of Maine and the Wild Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: 1. Evaluation of Emerging Disinfection Technologies for Wild Blueberry Processing 2. Incorporation of wild blueberry puree into a soy-based burger and its effect on sensory and chemical properties of the broiled burgers 3. Infestation Detection using NIRS 4. Mechanism of Action through which Wild Blueberries affect Arterial Functional Properties in Normotensive and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats 5. Practical Microbial Control Approach for Wild Blueberries and their Antimicrobial Property 6. Wild Blueberry Consumption and Risks for Cardiovascular Disease 7. Irrigation Water use in Wild Blueberry Production 8. Control Tactics for Blueberry Pest Insects & Program Base 9. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Strategies 10. Biology and Ecology of Blueberry Insect Pests, 2006 11. Research on Wild Blueberry Diseases for 2006-2007 12. Effect of Soil pH on Nutrient Uptake 13. Effect of Manganese on Growth and Yield of Wild Blueberry 14. Effects of Summer Foliar Fertilization to Increase Branch Length and Flower Bud Formation in the Prune Year 15. Effects of Phosphite Foliar Fertilizers on disease control and fruit set of wild blueberry 16. Assessment of Hexazinone Alternatives for Weed Control in Wild Blueberries 17. Evaluation of Fall Applications of Tribenuron Methyl for Bunchberry Control in Wild Blueberries 18. Evaluation of spot treatments of Tribenuron Methyl, Ultim and Roundup for weed control in Wild Blueberries 19. Blueberry Extension Education Program 20. Cultural Weed Management Using p

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