International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology
illage midwife in Mojokerto in providing services acts inject stab wounds at risk of exposure as a result of syringes and needles puncture wounds impact on the risk of infection. This study aimed to analyze factors associated with syringe stab wounds on the village midwife. This research is a quantitative and qualitative research to look for a causal relationship. This study was conducted in 27 health centers in the district of Mojokerto in October 2014 to February 2015. The populations in this
study were all midwives in Mojokerto. Sample retrieval technique used is random sampling where the sample sizes in this study as many as 74 midwives. The data were analyzed by using logistic regression statistical test and doing focus group discussion additional data to dig deeper. These results indicate that experienced midwives needle puncture wounds 39 people (52.7%) and no puncture needles injured 35 people (47, 3%). Besides, it also showed a significant relationship between the stab wounds
syringe with the knowledge factor (P = 0.043), tenure (P = 0.016), the availability of SOP (0.000), the availability of PPE(0,001), the availability of safety box (0,024), the application of SOP (0.043), use of PPE (0,001), nonrecapping (0.043), use of safety box (0.007) and supervision (0.043). The conclusion that the factor of knowledge, years of service, availability of SOP, the
availability of PPE, availability Safety box, the application of SOP, use of PPE, nonrecapping, utilization and monitoring safety box has a significant relationship premises syringe stab wounds on the village midwife.
Keywords— Needles Stab wounds, Village Midwif