Effects of Defoliation Frequency on Foraging Selective Behaviour in Pasture with Paspalum Dilatatum


The objective was to assess defoliation effects exerted by sheep grazing on a pasture composed by falaris and dallisgrass, at two phenological stages during spring and summer. A sown pasture of Phalaris aquatica and Paspalum dilatatum were grazed at two phenological stages: stage I (SI), with no more than 5% of reproductive tillers, and stage II (SII), with at least 70% of reproductive tillers. Tillers of both grass species were marked with plastic colour rings along two transects in each plot. Phenological stage of tillers, and the number, age and length of each leaf per tiller were registered. Tiller defoliation rates (TDR), Leaf defoliation rates (LDR) of young and old leaves and Defoliated tiller percent (DTP) were estimated for both species. The results obtained demonstrated that selective forage behaviour of grazing sheep showed the existence of mechanisms towards maximum forage consumption

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