Pasture Yield and Animal Performance from Aeschynomene Americana Cultivars Glenn and Lee


An on farm demonstration site was used to promote and compare the performance of the tropical legumes Glenn American jointvetch and Lee American jointvetch (Aeschynomene americana). Both legumes are widely sown in tropical Australia and are being increasingly sown in South-East Asian pasture projects. Glenn and Lee both grew well and persisted in grass/legume pastures over a 5 year period. Liveweight gain of steers, at a stocking rate of 1.5/ha, slightly favoured the Glenn pasture and gains of 0.49 kg/day for a 595 day period were achieved. Soil seed reserves were much higher under the annual Glenn than for the later flowering perennial Lee. Current recommendations are to sow equal portions of Glenn and Lee in legume/grass pasture mixture

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