
Grammatical Problems Encountered By Students in Translating English into Indonesian and Indonesian into English


In daily life, language has an important role in making the communication runs smoothly. Without language, communication among the people in the society will not run well because the ideas of someone cannot be transferred to another well. So it can be said that the main function of language is to make the communication becomes smooth. Another function of language is to develop science and technology. The fact shows that the books are mostly written in English. To overcome the problem, translation activities are badly needed. The translators will try to translate well and their translation will be understandable for the readers. This research was done to know (1) the grammatical problems faced by students in translating English into Indonesian and Indonesian into English, (2) the solution taken by the students in translating.This research was descriptive research. The data sources of this research are:1) Documents. The documents in this research is the translated text by the students of English Department who takes translation class an optional subject. The source text is determined by the researcher to get the similar text especially in the level of difficulties. The text is taken from the standardized text. (2) Informants. The informants of this research are 30 students. The result of the research shows that the students have difficulty, hence the problem, in lexis. The students had a little number of exposure to culturally-bound word to express specific expressions. Concerning the strategies, the students made use of various strategies (translation by omission, Translation using a loan word or borrowing, and translating using a more general word) in solving the translations of the words they are not familiar with. The strategies, however, do not always match with the context of the sentence. Based on data analysis, in translating English into Indonesia, the words that became the students’ problems are basically the words that are infrequently used in English. The students, who represented the high-ability students, also had problems in translating the words they are not familiar with, including language- and culture-specific items. Based on the findings, it can be inferred that the students still have difficulty, hence problems, in lexis (Nouns, Verbs, and Adverbs). Their problems showed that they had a little number of vocabularyy in English. In translating Indonesia into English, the data revealed two main areas of problems, namely morphology and syntax. In morphology, the students have difficulty in declination. While in syntax, the problems exist in modification and predication. In modification, the problem exists in noun phrases, while in predication, the problems occur in tense, aspect, voice and status. From the students’ translation, it can be inferred that the translation strategies they used are omission, borrowing or loan word and superordinate

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