
Etika Wisatawan Domestik terhadap Upaya Konservasi Pantai (Studi Kasus di Pantai Balekambang Kabupaten Malang)


Conservation of biodiversity and the development of marine tourism destinations can be categorized as synergic efforts. But the evidence in the field shows different things, because the behavior of domestic tourists have not awareness of biodiversity conservation. This is indicated by the behavior of domestic tourists who often take various tidal biotas without educational purposes. It is so not educational, because at this time of nature conservation is very necessary, so that no damage to the environment, especially in the marine environment due to imbalance of living creatures in it by human activities. This is an observational research by conducting survey method to the behavior of domestic tourists while traveling on the coast of tidal Balekambang Malang regency. The findings indicate that the various ages of domestic tourist entering tidal zones during low tide take a variety of tidal biota, such as Echinoidea, Holothuroidea, Ophiuroidea, Anthozoa (corals) and other biota without educational purposes, since the biota referred to is taken and then disposed of in the mainland. It can be concluded that the bad behavior shown by the domestic tourists by taking biota is not for education, but for fun can be categorized as violation behavior of environmental ethics

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