Removing educational barriers in Australian schools for autistic students (REBAS): Current trends, gaps, and recommendations in educational research, inclusive policy, and educational practice


The aim of this white paper is to give readers a better understanding of what is needed for autistic learners to flourish in educational environments. The white paper reports on the findings of the Autism CRC research project titled: Removing Educational Barriers in Australian Schools (REBAS). The aim of the REBAS project was to increase awareness and understanding of educational enablers and barriers for autistic students.The white paper reports on five key areas:1. A summary of the educational body of research conducted by Autism CRC (2013–2022).2. A summary of key findings from the data generated by scoping review research across seven key themes. These reviews were conducted with the aim of reviewing the literature to identify current knowledge and gaps, to provide recommendations for research, policy and practice that will support autistic learners to flourish in their education.3. A summary of key findings from an analysis of inclusive policies across all states and territories of Australia to provide recommendations for progressing nationwide inclusive policy and practice.4. A summary of key results from empirical research conducted nationwide with multiple stakeholders (through a survey and interviews). The focus of the research was identifying educational enablers and barriers for autistic learners and their siblings. 5. Key recommendations to ensure autistic and diverse learners flourish and have agency in their educatio

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