Comparison of benzo(a)pyrene metabolism and mutation induction in CHO cells using rat liver homogenate (S9) or Syrian hamster embryonic cell-mediated activation systems


Mutagenesis in CHO cells has been studied by the addition of an ezymatically active liver homogenate (S9) fraction. However, the metabolism of procarcinogens, such as benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P), by rat liver homogenate differs from that in intact cellular activation systems. Consequently, B(a)P-induced mutation frequencies in mammalian cells may vary when different activation systems are used. This study attempts to compare B(a)P metabolism and conjugation in rat liver homogenate (S9 preparation) and in Syrian hamster embryonic (SHE) cells. Furthermore, a CHO mutation assay incorporating either of the activation systems is being used to measure the mutation induction frequency

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