Experimental studies of (n, charged particle) cross sections, angular distributions and spectra with a magnetic quadrupole spectrometer


The charged-particle-producing reactions of 15-MeV neutrons with structural materials have been studied with a new type of spectrometer based around a magnetic quadrupole lens. Significant improvements in signal-to-background have permitted the detection of protons with energies as low as 800 keV. In several materials charged particles emitted with energies well below the Coulomb barrier contribute significantly to the total hydrogen and helium production cross sections. The production mechanism for these low-energy particles is second-chance emission in (n,n'p) and (n,n'..cap alpha..) reactions. At the high-energy end of the proton and alpha-particle spectra and for the entire deuteron spectra, non-statistical reaction mechanisms are indicated. Results for Al, Ti, V, Fe, Ni, Cu, Nb, and stainless steel 316 are compared with data from other experimental methods

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