Verification and Validation of Corrected Versions of RELAP5 for ATR Reactivity Analyses


Two versions of the RELAP5 computer code, RELAP5/MOD2.5 and RELAP5/MOD3 Version, are used to support safety analyses of the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR). Both versions of RELAP5 contain a point reactor kinetics model that has been used to simulate power excursion transients at the ATR. Errors in the RELAP5 point kinetics model were reported to the RELAP5 code developers in 2007. These errors had the potential to affect reactivity analyses that are part of the ATR’s safety basis. Consequently, corrected versions of RELAP5 were developed for analysis of the ATR. Four reactivity transients were simulated to verify and validate the corrected codes for use in safety evaluations of the ATR. The objectives of this paper are to describe the verification and validation of the point kinetics model for ATR applications and to inform code users of the effects of the errors on representative reactivity analyses

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