
A search for the Jπ = 1/2⁻ spin–orbit partner of the Jπ = 3/2⁻ ground state in ⁷He has been performed with the ⁷Li(d,²He) charge-exchange reaction. The results are incompatible with recent claims of such a state at very low excitation energy [Meister M et al 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 102501] but rather suggest a resonance with parameters Ex = (1.2⁺⁰.⁵₋₀.₄) MeV, Λ = (1.9⁺⁰.⁸₋₀.₄) MeV. GT strengths deduced for the transitions to the lowest states in 7He are in remarkable agreement with ab initio quantum Monte Carlo calculations

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