Photoperiodic gene expression of insulin receptor is associated with diapause regulation in silkworm


Bivoltine silkworms (Bombyx mori) are destined to respectively produce diapause or non-diapause eggs when they are reared under short or long days during the larval stage. The insulin signaling pathway is thought to play an essential role in regulating diapause in various insect species, but its involvement in silkworm diapause programming has not been investigated in detail. Therefore, we examined day-night expression of the insulin receptor (InR) gene in the silkworm larval brain under different photoperiods or in night interruption experiments in which larvae were exposed to light for 2 h during the nighttime of short days. Expression of the InR gene was photoperiod-dependent and InR mRNA levels decreased with increasing daylength. As the daylength increased, expression during the nighttime decreased to lower stable levels earlier than that during the daytime. During night interruptions that induced non-diapause, the nighttime expression of InR decreased to low levels like those during long days, although daytime expression was only moderately decreased. Nighttime InR expression was downregulated in silkworms reared under non-diapause-inducing conditions (long days and night interruptions). In contrast, abundant InR was expressed during the day and night in short days that induced diapause. Our findings suggested that InR expression in the larval brain is associated with programming the diapause status in the next generation of silkworms. Downregulated InR might suppress the insulin signaling pathway and cause non-diapause induction in the next generation. DOI:

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