Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya penggunaan
strategi pembelajaran yang masih monoton dan bersifat pasif,
sehingga hasil belajar peserta didik belum mendapatkan hasil yang
maksimal. Pada saat pembelajaran berlansung masih banyak peserta
didik yang kurang bersemangat dalam pembelajaran dan kurang
memperhatikan saat pendidik menjelaskan, sehingga materi tidak
tersampaikan dengan maksimal, dan masih banyak peserta didik yang
belum dapat memahami materi dengan baik. Oleh karena itu, dengan
mengiplementasikan strategi pembelajaran Everyone Is A Teacher
Here ini, tentunya dapat menjadikan peserta didik lebih aktif didalam
kelas, menuntut peserta didik untuk bertanya, dan juga membantu
proses belajar peserta didik agar hasil belajar tercapai maksimal.
Melalui strategi pembelajaran Everyone Is A Teacher Here diharapkan
dapat membantu meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata
pelajaran Akidah Akhlak kelas VII MTs Darul Amanah Wai Lubuk.
Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah apakah strategi
pembelajaran Everyone Is A Teacher Here dapat meningkatkan hasil
belajar peserta didik kelas VII MTs Darul Amanah Wai Lubuk?
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode
Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus
tiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan
refleksi. Instrumen tes yang digunakan berupa, soal Preetest dan
Posttest yang berbentuk pilihan ganda, serta Instrumen non test berupa
wawancara dan observasi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas VII
(Tujuh) MTs Darul Amanah Wai Lubuk yang berjumlah 26 peserta
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi
strategi pembelajaran Everyone Is A Teacher Here dapat
meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Hal ini terlihat berdasarkan
hasil dari Pra Siklus peserta didik yang dapat dikatakan mampu hanya
30%, sedangkan pada Siklus I meningkat menjadi 57,6%, dan pada
Siklus II mengalami peningkatan menjadi 96,1%. Sehingga dapat
disimpulkan bahwa strategi pembelajaran Everyone Is A Teacher
dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik di kelas VII MTs Darul
Amanah Wai Lubuk. Dengan demikian target yang ingin dicapai oleh
peneliti dalam KKM 75% dan dalam indikator dalam PTK 85% sudah
tercapai, maka penelitian dianggap selesai.
Kata kunci : Strategi pembelajaran Everyone Is A Teacher Here,
Hasil Belajar, Akidah Akhlak, MTs Darul Amanah Wai Lubuk.
This research is motivated by the use of learning strategies
that are still monotonous and passive, so that students' learning
outcomes have not achieved maximum results. When learning is
taking place, there are still many students who are less enthusiastic
about learning and don't pay attention when educators explain, so that
the material is not conveyed optimally, and there are still many
students who cannot understand the material well. Therefore, by
implementing the Everyone Is A Teacher Here learning strategy, it
can certainly make students more active in the classroom, require
students to ask questions, and also help students' learning process so
that learning outcomes are achieved optimally. Through the Everyone
Is A Teacher Here learning strategy, it is hoped that it can help
improve student learning outcomes in the class VII Aqidah Morals
subject at MTs Darul Amanah Wai Lubuk. The formulation of the
problem in this research is whether the Everyone Is A Teacher Here
learning strategy can improve student learning outcomes in class VII
MTs Darul Amanah Wai Lubuk?
The method used in this research is the Classroom Action
Research (PTK) method, which is carried out in 2 cycles, each cycle
consisting of planning, implementation, observation and reflection.
The test instruments used are Pretest and Posttest questions in the
form of multiple choices, as well as non-test instruments in the form of
interviews and observations. The subjects of this research were class
VII (Seven) of MTs Darul Amanah Wai Lubuk, totaling 26 students.
Based on the research results, it shows that the
implementation of the Everyone Is A Teacher Here learning strategy
improves student learning outcomes. This can be seen based on the
results from the Pre-Cycle of students who can be said to be only 30%
capable, whereas in Cycle I it increased to 57.6%, and in Cycle II it
increased to 96.1%. So it can be concluded that the Everyone Is A
Teacher learning strategy can improve the learning outcomes of
students in class VII MTs Darul Amanah Wai Lubuk. Thus, the target
that the researcher wants to achieve in the KKM is 75% and in the
indicators in the PTK 85% has been achieved, so the research is
considered complete.
Keywords : Everyone Is A Teacher Here learning strategy, learning
outcomes, moral beliefs, MTs Darul Amanah Wai Lubu