Quantifying spin Hall topological Hall effect in ultrathin Tm 3 Fe 5 O 12 / Pt bilayers


Recent reports have shown that thulium iron garnet (TmIG) based bilayers are promising material platforms for realizing small, room-temperature skyrmions. For potential applications, it is impera- tive to accurately evaluate electrical read-out signals of skyrmions. In this context, the topological Hall effect has been considered as a characteristic signature of skyrmion formation. Unlike previous studies that have modeled the anomalous Hall effect in ultrathin TmIG/Pt bilayers, we isolate its contribution to the electrical read-out signal by directly measuring the magnetic hysteresis loops using a sensitive Sagnac magneto-optical Kerr effect technique. Our combined optical and electrical measurements reveal that the spin-Hall topological Hall resistivity is considerably larger than previ- ously estimated values. Our finding further indicates that skyrmions can exist at room-temperature and near-zero applied magnetic fields.This research was primarily supported by the National Science Foundation through the Center for Dynamics and Control of Materials: an NSF MRSEC under Coopera- tive Agreement No. DMR-1720595, and the Center for Emergent Materials, an NSF MRSEC under Grant No. DMR-2011876. Additional support was provided by the Welch Foundation F-1662. Facilities provided by MR- SEC DMR-1720595 and by NSF MRI DMR-2019130 are gratefully acknowledged. Partial funding for L. J. Chang while visiting UT-Austin was provided by a Portugal-UT collaboration grant. The collaboration between S,F. Lee and X. Li is facilitated by the AFOSR grant FA2386-21- 1-4067.Center for Dynamics and Control of Material

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