Remote Sensing of the Coastal Applications Test Site Test 1: Economic and Accuracy Evaluation of Mapping Techniques


This evaluation of mapping techniques was prepared as part of the Texas Applications System Verification and Transfer (ASVT) project, which is a joint effort of the Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS) Task Force and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The goal of the ASVT project, as described by McCulloch and McKain (1978), is to develop a Texas Natural Resources Inventory and Monitoring System (TNRIMS). The TNRIMS is designed "to assist agencies of the State of Texas in carrying out their statutory responsibilities in the areas of natural resources and the environment" (Finley and Baumgardner, 1981b, p. 2). This study evaluates the use of one component of the TNRIMS, the Remote Sensing Information Subsystem (RSIS), in its developmental state between March and August 1981. The project study area is part of the Coastal Applications Test Site (CATS) (fig. 1), one of five test sites in Texas included in the ASVT project. All test sites were selected to sample the wide variety of land cover/land use categories in the state. The coastal test site was chosen for this evaluation of the RSIS according to (1) state agency needs for information on coastal wetlands, (2) availability of personnel with experience in mapping coastal areas, (3) access to supplementary land cover/land use data, and (4) diversity of land cover/land use types in the area.Bureau of Economic Geolog

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