Exploration and Production Program for Locating and Producing Prospective Aquifers Containing Solution Gas and Free Gas Texas Gulf Coast - Annual Report


The Port Arthur field in Jefferson County, Texas, has been identified as a promising candidate for secondary enhanced gas recovery methods due to its multiple watered-out gas reservoirs, thick aquifers, and gas stringer sandstones at depths ranging from 10,850 to 11,700 feet. Sidewall core data indicate an average porosity of 30 percent and average permeability of 60 millidarcies (md). Reservoir simulation studies suggest that approximately 3.91 billion standard cubic feet of unconventional gas can be recovered through natural flow from the 11 C" sandstone over a 10-year period, by reducing reservoir pressure from 6,500 to 4,018 pounds per square inch gauge (psig). The break-even gas price is estimated to be $3.45 per thousand standard cubic feet for a 15-percent rate of return. Additional gas recovery opportunities exist through co-production from other sandstones and by further reducing reservoir pressure using artificial lift methods. It is recommended to drill a design test well to a depth of 11,650 feet at a location near the Meredith No. 2 Doornbos (Well No. 14). This test well will help evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of secondary enhanced gas recovery techniques in the Port Arthur field.Bureau of Economic Geolog

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