Il ruolo delle ‘università’ nella strategia missionaria di Francesco Saverio per il Giappone


In his first descriptions of Japan, Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier highlighted the existence of some institutions that he had identified as “universities,” which he had not been able to find in India. With this word, he actually meant different kinds of organizations, such as the Zen temples of the capital city, Miyako; or the great monastic complexes of mounts Hiei and Kōya; or the famous Confucian academy of Ashikaga, in the north of the country. From Xavier’s point of view, the most important and unifying characteristic of these universities was their ability to grant authority to Christian teachings. In a country politically fragmented by civil war, the Jesuit missionaries could gain status by debating with these institutions’ students, and converting them. In Xavier’s plans, therefore, Japan should have been evangelized by a team of selected missionaries, who had studied the local language and doctrines, and could prove the existence of God to the Japanese scholars

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