Pacifc Northwest Archaeological Society (PNWAS): Reaching the Northwest Advocational Public for 36 Years


This paper is Chapter 3, pp. 35-45, of a 275+ page volume on How do we Reach More?; a free source book on trying to reach the public in the Pacific Northwest of North America: This book is freely available for those that want to see what tended to work or not work in this effort. Since PNWAS has been around for 36 years, a certain amount of success is demonstrated, including activism possible through a non-profit for education program. Abstract for Pacific Northwest Archaeological Society (PNWAS) chapter 3: As originally stated in our founding in 1985, PNWAS is a membership organization that “offers a means for individuals and organizations to declare their support for the preservation of the rich archaeological resources in our region and help to bring public archaeology programs to people of the Pacific Northwest. Benefits of membership include timely information on Northwest archaeological research, a bi-monthly lecture series, and opportunity to participate in professionally supervised research in the Northwest.” PNWAS was incorporated at that time as a non-profit organization in the State of Washington and has remained true to these original objectives. I have been the Executive Director throughout these 36 years, with a President, Vice-President, and other Officers on our Board

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