Geriatric oncology health services research: Cancer and Aging Research Group infrastructure core


Founded by the late Dr. Arti Hurria, the Cancer and Aging Research Group (CARG) is a collaborative, interdisciplinary team of investigators dedicated to improving the care of older adults with cancer through research, advocacy, and other scholarly initiatives.1 As part of the CARG National Institute on Aging R21/R33 infrastructure grant to harness the available expertise and prioritize the development of high-impact research, the Health Services Research (HSR) Core was developed to foster and advance HSR in geriatric oncology. The mission of the HSR Core is to support clinical investigators to design and conduct highquality HSR focused on older adults with cancer and their caregivers including patterns of care, comparative effectiveness, and care delivery. At the first R21/R33 conference held at City of Hope in October 2018, Dr. Harvey Jay Cohen (Chair, CARG Oversight Board and HSR Core) led the development of this Core. In this perspective paper, we present a review of HSR in geriatric oncology to build a foundation for the Core rationale; proposed Core function, workflow, policies, and procedures; anticipated interactions with other CARG Cores; and proposed plans for sustainabilit

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